
Showing posts from September, 2018

Lab 1: Code Review

Code Review Aircrack-ng    Aircrack has not many contributors, 16, 4 of which are the main contributors.  I found it interesting that issues / bugs are posted right to their Github with collaborators encouraged to fix any issues that are live. Upon viewing the live issues, a group of 3 or 4 people can be seen talking and comparing code in order to fix the issue. Some issues listed are ways they can improve the software. I think this is a good way to continue progression on making your software higher quality.  GetTor     The tor project is a great github, they tell you directly on the page how people can help. They strongly encourage their community to get involved and want people to look at the source code to learn what it does.       The creators of this project also host presentations and demonstrations on how their project works along with future goals. Here is one of the creators speaking abou...

Lab2 Aircrack-ng

Open Software of Choice: Aircrack-ng Downloaded Directly from their Github As Listed in the Steps to install, I needed to download and install required dependencies Heres the list: build-essential  autoconf  automake  libtool  pkg-config  libnl-3-dev  libnl-genl-3-dev  libssl-dev  ethtool  shtool  rfkill  zlib1g-dev  libpcap-dev  libsqlite3-dev  libpcre3-dev  libhwloc-dev  libcmocka-dev Done in one easy command: sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool pkg-config libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libssl-dev ethtool shtool rfkill zlib1g-dev libpcap-dev libsqlite3-dev libpcre3-dev libhwloc-dev libcmocka-dev It then proceeded to install all the Dependencies. The Autotools build system is utilized. Autotools replaces older methods of building However, I cant just ./configure, Due to the version I have to run a preconfigure script: autore...

The Setup

Build: I recently needed to upgrade my PC, AMD Phenom II X6 wasn't doing the job when it came to virtualization. I promptly went to Canada Computers and bought a great cpu for the job. Once I had it assembled I had to get VMware going! I started by downloading Kali, however a classmate reminded me not to run in sudo so Ubuntu it is! I ran into a major issue when it came to install ubuntu, super slow and not really progressing in the installation. After enabling amd-v and giving the VM more ram and more cores upon restart it flew through the install. SSH KEY: Simple Command got it going, followed by a MV command to access to send my public key :)