
Showing posts from December, 2018


Stage 3: CowPatty

CowPatty Stage 3 Introduction:     Cowpatty being a tool that related to some of my interests I wanted to take a deeper look into how it works. At the start I understood the basics, feed it a 4-way handshake, SSID name and a dictionary file and it would spit out its best guess of the SSID. While Cowpatty has the ability to 'guess' the SSID's password, its only effective / used to audit networks that have poor / common / default passwords. Interestingly enough in this Defcon video titled "Weaponizing Your Pets: The War Kitteh and the Denial of Service Dog"  - Provided he made his warkitteh sniff for packets and save them, he could attempt to hash SSID+handshake to get passcodes. He got quite the list of SSIDs, Some WEP which I dont think is a setting on new routers (hopefully).  I do not condone Weaponizing you pets or strapping batteries to them, do not attempt. However, it was neat! Since CowPatty has to match keys it has to got through a large d



Compiled C Lab Let's start by writing the hello world. then with this saved we can run the compiler with the Flags specified                     gcc -g -O0 -fno-builtin hello.c Looking at the objdump header file for our program Objdump -f We see that: Were using an x86 platform File Format is in ELF ( Executable and Linkable Format) We can look at the specific selections of this output file by using objdump with -d flag which disassemble sections containing code Objdump -d This is our main! We can see the function call to printf with callq on line 5. The argument was moved into the register on line 4. - Static gcc -g -O0 -fno-builtin -static hello.c -o hellostatic objdump -s hellostatic The file was huge, when read wouldn't fit in the whole window! This is due to the .static flag.  It causes the libraries to be included in the executable because it prevents dynamic l